June 22, 2015

FREE 21 Day Fix!

Who doesn't like free things? I know I do! I believe in the 21 Day Fix so much that I am willing to give you a FREE copy of the 21 Day Fix! That's right, YOU can get a copy of the 21 Day Fix for free. Since Shakeology is such an important component to the 21 Day Fix, those that purchase the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack from me will get reimbursed BY ME for the cost of the 21 Day Fix. What does that mean? You will only be paying for the Shakeology - the healthiest meal of the day, the most delicious shake I have ever drank, superfood packed, nutrient dense, meal replacement shake! There is a bottom of the bag, 30 day money back guarantee with Shakeology. If you aren't 100% satisfied, you can always return it for a full refund. Since this program is only 21 days, why not give it a shot? What do you have to lose?

What do you get with the challenge pack? You get all the containers that help you with portion control, eating plan, 7 workouts, extra workout DVD, 1:1 support, motivation, accountability, help with meal planning, healthy recipes, ME as your FREE coach! I will also put you in a private Facebook group with others going "The Fix" where the camaraderie between challengers helps you reach your goals! Challenge groups provide you with a place where you can freely share your struggles, successes (both scale and non scale), and gain new friendships.  Whether you are a fitness lover or a beginner, the 21 Day Fix is a perfect fit. Modifications to each exercise are great for beginners, but it is also great at pushing those further along on their fitness journey.  And, it is great for guys, too! Most people think that this program is just for the ladies, but trust me, it is perfect for guys as well.

Confession: I have been slacking on my eating and working out, but that ends TODAY! I started the 21 Day Fix again because I need the extra accountability to help me get back on track. With this free offer, what do you have to lose?

Whether you have 20 (or more) pounds to lose, or just 10 pounds, heck, maybe all you need is the portion control containers to help you tone up, I want YOU in my next challenge group. Due to the popularity of this program and this offer, I am only taking the next 5 people who message me or order the challenge pack through me. If you are ready to get started, click here to get your challenge pack today! After your order goes through, I will be in contact with you to refund your money and get you placed in my challenge group. If you want more info, fill out my Challenge Group Application and I will get back to you within 24 hours! Together we can reach our goals!

If you have been considering becoming a beachbody coach, fill out my form and I will get in touch with you!

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June 18, 2015

I Was Bullied in Elementary School - My Story

Time for me to be 100% honest with all of you. I have struggled with my weight all my life - no surprise there! But those struggles also run deep emotionally. Being the "fat kid" makes you the target for bullies. What I am about to share with you is something that I have never shared with anyone, ever. But, it needs to be shared. Not everyone has a support system they can turn to when they are facing bullies, or they don't know what to do when they are being bullied. You don't think there  is anything you can do, so you just keep everything to yourself.

When I was in elementary school, yes, ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, I was picked on because of my weight. Even in middle school I was. But elementary school? I know kids can be mean, and a random comment here or there about my weight never really affected me. What truly hurt was this one person repeatedly doing it. They weren't even in my grade, so I didn't know why they even paid attention. It always happened at recess. I would get made fun of because I wasn't fast, or I couldn't run as far, etc., but I never said anything to the kid. But the comments really hurt me. I remember going home and crying because I wasn't "skinny" because I thought I wasn't good at anything. It really gave me a complex at an early age, not to mention body image issues that I still struggle with, and probably always will.

If I could talk to this person today, I don't even know what I would say. I would like to think that I have put the past behind me and all the comments have made me a stronger person, but I would be lying. I still think back to those times on the playground and wonder what it would have been like if I was skinny. Being picked on is something that a lot of kids have to endure, and it shouldn't be that way. You NEVER know what the other person is going through, so you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. I never had the courage or confidence to stand up for myself. Confidence is something that I continue to struggle with, but I am working on it and have significantly increased my self-confidence over the past year.

April 2014
A year ago, I decided I wanted, heck, even NEEDED a change. That is when I decided that my health was important and decided to give Beachbody a shot! This was one of the best decisions I have ever made.  If I would have had the confidence back then that I have now, I don't know if it would have had the same effect on me. Yes, it still bothers me, but it is in my past and I WILL NOT let if hold me back from reaching my goals! I think this experience has made me more compassionate and understanding, not only as a person, but also as a coach. I know what some of my challengers are going through, and I can relate to them. No, I'm not that kid anymore, but I have grown into someone who wants to pay it forward and help as many in a similar situation as I was to reach their goals. I understand my challengers on a different level than most coaches. I'm still not the skinny person people expect fitness coaches to be, but I am a fitter, healthier person than I have ever been because of my decision to give Beachbody a try.

April 2015
Whether you are a teenager, adult, whatever, and you are being bullied, just know that there are people in your lives that are willing to help you. Just have enough strength to go and talk to someone. Don't let the bullies get to you. You are strong and your life is worth living.

If you are ready to make positive changes in your life, then join me in my next challenge group! I would love to have you and get to know your story!

Fill out my online form to join my challenge group!
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June 16, 2015

Sara's Transformation!!

I would like everyone to meet Sara! Sara started her journey with the 21 Day Fix in May in our Fit Mommas challenge group. She absolutely ROCKED it! The support and accountability in the group is what helped her stay on track - daily motivation, accountability, support, healthy recipes, and a place to share your struggles of the day. The 21 Day Fix is the type of program that allows busy moms to be able to workout every day - workouts are only 30 minutes long, eat a healthy, clean diet - portion control containers help with showing you how much you should be eating, and provide you with the tools necessary to plan your meals ahead of time so you don't have excuses on why you can't live a healthy lifestyle. It is only 21 days long, long enough for you to create new, healthier habits. 

In these 21 days, you can lose up to 15 pounds, depending on your body and how much you can afford to lose.  BUT, it isn't about the number of pounds you have lost or the number of inches you have lost. What it is about, is the confidence, physical strength, and a healthier mindset you gain that will help you continue your journey. Sara's before and after photos show a drastic difference in her appearance, and the smile on her face shows how much happier she is after her first 21 days of being on this program. I remember her sharing a "Flex Friday" picture and she was EXTREMELY EXCITED to see some muscle definition! This is motivation enough to keep pursuing your journey. Being a mom, wife and working full time, taking those 30 minutes for herself, Sara was able to create a new lifestyle for herself! That's all it takes - 30 minutes a day, planning your meals, and being committed to this new lifestyle. During the challenge group, Sara was very involved, posting multiple times a day to help keep herself accountable. We are all in there to support, motivate, and help each other reach your goals!


Since completing her first round of the Fix, Sara had decided to become a Beachbody coach herself and start the 21 Day Fix Extreme after she does the 3 Day Refresh! I am so excited to have Sara on the team! She will be a great role model and mentor to everyone she works with! Sara is just one of many success stories from the 21 Day Fix. With the popularity of this program, I run monthly 21 Day Fix Challenge groups. If this is something that you may be interested, join me in my next challenge group starting June 22nd! Just send me a message, or fill out the form below, and I will help you get started!  The body achieves what the mind believes.

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June 12, 2015

FREE 21 Day Fix Sneak Peek

What is all the fuss about the 21 Day Fix?

Curious about the 21 Day Fix? Want to find out all about the program before you buy it to see if it is the right program for you? My team is hosting a FREE SNEAK PEEK of the program starting Monday,  June 15th! We will provide you with essential information about the program, and help you decide if this program is right for you. We are only opening a limited number of spots for this high demand private Facebook group. These slot are going fast, so full out the application below to reserve your spot today!

Your health and wellness is not something that comes easily, for most people. You have to invest time, energy, and focus to reach your goals. It may not be easy, but in the end, it is definitely worth it! Investing your time, money, energy, etc. into a new exercise and eating plan is a HUGE decision. Is this the right program for me?! What is the program all about?! Will I have enough time for the workouts?! How much money will this cost me?! Is this something I am ready for?!

I get it, we all have these concerns when we finally make the decision to improve our health. Why not join me for a FREE 3 DAY PREVIEW OF THE 21 DAY FIX? One of my coaches had this awesome idea of letting people see what this program is all about before blindly making a purchase. The infomercials have been all over the place with this program - Autumn Calabrese and the colored portion control containers are all over the television in the mornings! Hashtags are all over social media. Your friends may have talked about it, but you are just not sure if it is the right decision for you. Join me and find out if "THE FIX" is right for you!

Topics covered in this 3 DAY PREVIEW of the 21 Day Fix include:

  • What is the 21 Day Fix?
    • We will teach you what it is, why it works, and how you can easily incorporate it into your life!
  • What are the colored containers all about?!
    • Great portion control help!
  • How to succeed at meal planning!
    • Tips, tricks, sample meal plans, and healthy recipes will be shared!
  • Workout previews and modifications!
    • Perfect for ANY fitness level!
  • What is Shakeology and why is it important?
    • Besides yummy goodness!! :) It is a meal replacement, not a protein drink!
  • Success sharing with REAL people who have had great results with the 21 Day Fix!
    • Myself, busy moms, stay at home moms, PhD students, the list goes on and on with those who have had success with it!

If you would like to participate in this group, please fill out the form below!

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June 7, 2015

Update On My Life - Back to Basics With the 21 Day Fix

Here is an update with what all has been going on in my life these past few months.

I have been off social media for a while, and I really appreciate all of the messages from everyone asking if I am okay because you haven't seen me online in a while. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am fine. I just have a lot going on in my life right now and have some tough decisions ahead of me to make. Nothing serious, so no need to worry! :) With that being said, I will tell you that I started a job that has kept me very busy, I have been trying to conduct research so I can write a paper that will hopefully get published, and my dad has been suffering from some medical issues. That has taken up a lot of my time and has had me stressed to the max for a while.

Even though I have been very busy, I have been working out everyday, drinking my shakeology, and trying to eat as healthy as I can. I am trying not to sabotage myself that way. Stress usually makes me want to eat ALL THE TIME, eat foods that are bad for me, and hide from everything. With the exception of the later, I have not eaten terribly (with the exception a the occasional ice cream), and have eaten fairly clean and healthy because I plan out all of my meals.

Exercise really is good for the soul. It allows me time to focus on me and what all I can do in situations that I can control. Everything else, I can just pray things work out the way they are meant to.  I usually take it easy on Sundays with my workouts to allow my body time to rest. So, instead of working out today, I spent the day with my husband and mother-in-law fishing.
I am not a "girlie girl" by any means, but I HATE things slimy. When the day started, they were the ones baiting my hook and taking the fish off for me haha. By the end of the day, I was doing it all by myself! :) It was nice to take the day and just do something relaxing for a change, instead of going 100 miles an hour all the time.

On to the point of this post. Accountability and support are the keys to my success in everything I do - working out, school work, my job, every aspect of my life. I would not be where I am today without the support of my family and friends and the accountability I take for my won decisions and for my Beachbody family when it comes to my health.  I say Beachbody family because that is what it is. We are a family - we support one another, we are a shoulder to lean on when we are feeling down, we are motivators to one another. Without the support of my Beachbody coach and other coaches on the team, I would not have been able to be as successful in my weight loss journey as I have been. The constant encouragement, pep talks, guidance, support, motivation, etc. has been what has made me reach goal after goal.

I have been on Shakeology for almost a year, and have been doing Beachbody workout since September 2014. Since then, I have lost about 75 pounds! Yes, you read that correctly. 75 POUNDS!! But, it isn't about what I have lost. It is about what I have GAINED! My confidence and self-esteem are at an all time high! Being able to see results is what motivates me to keep working towards my goals. This is what also DRIVES me to help as many others reach their health and fitness goals as I can.

You know what? It all started with a decision to TRY! Give it 21 days to see if the program worked. I will be honest, I was skeptical that I would be starving on this program. I could not have been more wrong! I was never hungry! I remember thinking to myself, "There is no way that I can lose weight eating this much food!" It isn't the amount of food that you eat, it is the quality of food. Eating healthy allows you to eat more food, and eating every 2-3 hours keeps your metabolism revved up. That's the key to success. The 21 Day Fix is my all-time favorite program because IT WORKS! Plain and simple. The support from the challenge group makes you want to do your best.

Why not you? Why not give yourself the opportunity to create a new lifestyle? It is only 21 days. You can do anything for 21 days! Trust me on this! I will help you make your meal plans, help hold you accountable, provide you with support, and give you a place where you can be you without worrying about how people will react. Everyone has a bad day, and with the challenge group, we support each other and help you stay on track. Everyone deserves to have some "ME TIME." The workouts in this program are only 30 minutes (2% of your day). You don't have to be in peak performance to do these workouts. They are for every fitness level. Anybody can do it! Join me for my next challenge group, starting June 22nd! Help hold me accountable with my health, and I promise to do the same for you! Limited spots available, so hurry up and reserve yours before they are all gone!

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