I finished weeks 1 and 2 of P90 and I am really starting to like the program. I have the moves down and am able to do them with more power, thereby getting better results. My husband told me the other day, "Wow! You have muscles in your back and arms!" I didn't know if I should be offended or what, haha! Of course I then had to flex in the mirror and see for myself, and low and behold, I had some definition! *happy dance* It is things like this, noticing some definition, and others noticing a change in me that gives me the motivation to continue on this journey.

I still have a long way to go to reach my goal weight and fitness level, but with this program, I am slowly inching closer and closer. I am doing the Sweat Schedule because I need more cardio endurance and have a lot of weight left to lose. I am able to digg deeper and push myself harder each day, and am able to do more of the exercises for a longer period of time. In less than 30 minutes a day, my cardio has improved significantly over the past 2 weeks. I can't wait to finish the next 2 weeks and compare my before and after pictures.
The Sculpt workouts are great, and I will soon need to bump up my weights to present more of a challenge for myself. I am stronger than I have ever been, and have muscle definition where I thought I would never have muscle definition. I can see myself finishing this program and getting great results because I am seeing the improvements I have made in two weeks time.
I was just talking with others today that losing weight is so much harder than it is to put it on. Consistently doing these workouts and following my meal plans will not doubt give me the results I desire. Losing weight is 80% diet and 20% exercise. In order to achieve results, your diet has to be balanced and healthy. You can't destroy all of your hard work you put out in your workouts by sabotaging it in the kitchen. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Meal planning is key! Stay tuned for my weeks 3 & 4 update!
If you want to reserve a spot in my next accountability group, message me and I will add you!
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