January 29, 2015

Shakeology - It's Not Expensive

I get this ALL the time!
  • "I can't afford Shakeology."
  • "Why does Shakeology have to be so expensive?"
  • "It sounds like a great product, but I don't think it will fit into my budget."

Shakeology costs around $4 a day.  That is about the price you would pay for your coffee at a popular coffee chain.  BUT, with Shakeology, you are getting a delicious, nutrient packed meal replacement shake that will leave you feeling full and satisfied without feeling guilty.


For the span of one month, add up all of your runs to get coffee at the popular coffee stores, all the lunches and/or dinners you go out for, or nights out drinking.  What do those things get you anyway? I will tell you what you get from that.  Less money, sugar high with a sugar crash following, meals high in fats, calories and everything else bad for you, and a night of fun with a wicked hangover the next morning.  It makes you feel lousy or guilty, wishing you had made better decisions.

Give Shakeology a Try!

Shakeology comes with a money back guarantee!  If you are not satisfied with the product, return your remaining portion for a full refund.  Why not give it a try! They have a variety of flavors to choose from, so finding a flavor you like should be easy.  I can only speak from personal experience, but the chocolate tastes like a chocolate milkshake! It's like a cheat meal, but it's not! The vanilla and vegan chocolate are delicious as well.  What do you have to lose?

Shakeology is clinically proven to help you lose weight!

January 26, 2015

FREE Clean Eating Group Starting Soon!

If the winter has you down and your eating is all out of whack, join us to help you get some pep back in your step!  My team and I will be hosting a FREE Clean Eating group (a private Facebook group) starting February 2!  We will discuss what clean eating is all about, why it is so important, as well as provide you with health AND delicious recipes, meal planning tips and tricks, support, and accountability.

It's January and summer feels so far away. Maybe you made a New Year’s resolution to get healthier and fitter, but don’t know where to begin. Maybe you started off strong at the beginning of January, but now motivation has waned, as the cold and snow has set in. Summer is 5 months away, the winter blues have set it, and maybe you feel your healthy goals can wait a bit.

Why wait?  Why not tackle them now, and chase away those winter blues! If you need a little extra motivation, inspiration and excitation (or a lot!), join my free 7 day clean eating group. Many people come to me wanting assistance with clean eating basics, fitness and how to get started.  

It is hard to kick some of my previous bad habits like drinking pop, carb overload and pizza addiction!  It was hard to cut out the cream and sugar in my coffee and to find recipes that we both enjoyed.  So this was a whole new ball game for me.  Yes it did take me time to understand but I was determined to change my body more than I wanted to stay the same!

What are the requirements?

1.  You must make me your official Beachbody Coach by going to my site and creating a FREE profile.  This way I can send you recipes, meal plans and monthly motivation and tips to keep you on track with your lifestyle.
2.  You must participate for the next 7 days in our online closed facebook group each day!  
3.  Commit to checking in 1x per day, rating your day and charting your progress.
4.  Invite 1-2 friends to join!  Why not bring a few friends along for the ride! There is nothing better than having an accountability partner in the next 7 days!!!!  You are more likely to stick with it if you have someone by your side.

What do you get for joining? 

1.  You get a free 7 day meal plan.
2.  A grocery list
3. A place to check in daily, ask questions, get support and motivation.
4.  Daily tips that have worked for me.
5.  Strategies to handle emotional eating and temptations.
Are you ready to get started?  We will begin the group on Monday, February 2 so please reserve your spot today!

Joining is easy.  Leave a message below or email me at keila_mccracken@yahoo.com about your interest to join, and I will be happy to help you get back on track!

January 18, 2015

Progress: Weeks 1 & 2

I finished weeks 1 and 2 of P90 and I am really starting to like the program.  I have the moves down and am able to do them with more power, thereby getting better results.  My husband told me the other day, "Wow! You have muscles in your back and arms!" I didn't know if I should be offended or what, haha! Of course I then had to flex in the mirror and see for myself, and low and behold, I had some definition! *happy dance* It is things like this, noticing some definition, and others noticing a change in me that gives me the motivation to continue on this journey.

I still have a long way to go to reach my goal weight and fitness level, but with this program, I am slowly inching closer and closer.  I am doing the Sweat Schedule because I need more cardio endurance and have a lot of weight left to lose.  I am able to digg deeper and push myself harder each day, and am able to do more of the exercises for a longer period of time.  In less than 30 minutes a day, my cardio has improved significantly over the past 2 weeks.  I can't wait to finish the next 2 weeks and compare my before and after pictures.

The Sculpt workouts are great, and I will soon need to bump up my weights to present more of a challenge for myself.  I am stronger than I have ever been, and have muscle definition where I thought I would never have muscle definition.  I can see myself finishing this program and getting great results because I am seeing the improvements I have made in two weeks time.

I was just talking with others today that losing weight is so much harder than it is to put it on.  Consistently doing these workouts and following my meal plans will not doubt give me the results I desire.  Losing weight is 80%  diet and 20% exercise.  In order to achieve results, your diet has to be balanced and healthy.  You can't destroy all of your hard work you put out in your workouts by sabotaging it in the kitchen.  If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.  Meal planning is key!  Stay tuned for my weeks 3 & 4 update!

If you want to reserve a spot in my next accountability group, message me and I will add you!

January 17, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme


I just had the privilege of trying the Dirty 30 from the 21 Day Fix Extreme.  All I can say is, "WOW!!" Saying that I am beyond ecstatic for this new program to be released is a HUGE understatement! Today was the official release of the 21 Day Fix Extreme challenge packs!! Reserve you spot in my upcoming challenge group starting February 15th! Get yours spot before they are all gone.  If I can get 20 challengers for this group, I will put everyone's name in a hat a draw a random winner.  That winner will get a gift card for Amazon!

This program is intense and is not recommended for beginners.  The workouts, 7 total, feature a blend of resistance training, explosive power, and steady-state aerobic moves that target every muscle.  The result? You get shredded, FAST!  Portion control containers help you to eat properly, giving you the best results possible.  This program will take dedication, but I promise you, you will see the results! It is only 21 days. YOU CAN DO THIS!

The original 21 Day Fix was designed to make losing weight simple, but the 21 Day Fix Extreme will get you seriously shredded in the least amount of time possible.  How doesn't have 30 minutes a day to devote to themselves to get healthy? Make yourself a priority for 30 minutes each day, and you won't be disappointed!

Who is this for:

  • Those who have dramatic, short-term weight-loss deadline (wedding, vacation, photo shoot, etc.)
  • 21 Day Fix graduates and graduates of other extreme programs (P90X, INSANITY, FOCUS T25) who are ready for the next phase
  • Those without much weight to lose, but who want to get muscle tone and definition, and those who want to see their abs
  • People who aren't looking to count calories, weigh their food, or follow complicated recipes

If this sounds like something you are looking forward to trying (LIKE ME!), fill out the form below or order through my site: www.teambeachbody.com/keilaorr.

I look forward to working with you all to help you reach your fitness goals!

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January 6, 2015

My P90 Journey - Days 1 & 2

I started a new workout program yesterday, January 5th, 2015.  I have decided to do the Sweat (cardio based) Schedule since I still have a lot of weight to lose to reach my goal.  I was very excited to start this program because I was needing a change in my workouts.  This schedule consists of 3 days of Sweat workouts in conjunction with the Ab Ripper exercises, 2 days of Sculpt workouts, the Saturday Special, and a rest day Sunday (I think I will do some type of workout with my husband).

Day 1 - Sweat A and Ab Ripper A
I will be honest with you...I was not thrilled with this workout.  I don't know if I was underestimating my physical abilities, or what, but I thought the Sweat A workout was fairly easy.  Yes, I was sweating, had my heart rate up almost the entire time, and was breathing hard, but I was expecting a little more of a challenge.  Maybe I just need to go a little harder, or maybe I just need to jump up to the Sweat B workouts.  As for Ab Ripper A, it was a nice change up from 10 Minute Abs from the 21 Day Fix.  My major complaint with this ab workout is that Tony goes right into the different exercises without showing you what to do.  So, you lose a few reps while you watch what to do before you can do the move properly.  I have a similar complaint with the Sweat A workout as well.  I am used to the 21 Day Fix workouts where Autumn demonstrates the moves beforehand so you know what to do before the 60 seconds begin.  Since I will be doing these exercises three times a week, I will get the flow of the routine down and won't need to be reminded of how to do the moves.  But, before that happens, it would have been nice.  I was barely sore today from yesterday's workout, so I was hoping today's would be better.

Day 2 - Sculpt A
This workout was awesome! I did it at 8:00 this morning and am already feeling the effects of it, some sore muscles right now!  This workout consisted of a lot of isometric exercises, and after today, I am excited to see how much my strength improves over the next 88 days.  Tony spent a few seconds to explain how to properly do each of the moves today, a nice change from yesterday.  I am really feeling as though this program will help me reach my fitness goals for the next 3 months.

Stay tuned for my weekly progress reports!  If you want to join my next challenge group, fill out the form below!

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January 1, 2015

New Year - New You!

As 2015 begins, resolutions to become healthier also begin.  Who wouldn't want to make their top priority their health? I do, and I am! I have learned through my weight loss journey that it takes time, commitment, dedication, and most of all SUPPORT to help you reach your goal! I am grateful for my Beachbody family and the support and motivation they provide me on a daily basis.  Without this, I would have quit a long time ago.

I am the type of person who likes instant gratification.  Reaching my fitness goals is far from that!  My Beachbody family, as well as my husband, have been there day in and day out supporting, pushing, motivating, and giving me a gentle kick in the butt when needed to get back on track.  I am not saying I have been perfect, but I have been giving it my all to reach my goals.  If I miss a workout one day, I double up the next day.  During the holidays, I even doubled up on my workouts each day to combat the snacking that inevitably took place.

Knowing your weaknesses and knowing what you can do to overcome them is the first step in reaching your goals.  For me, it is chocolate, hands down!  My husband is such a great support and accountability partner for me because he makes me realize that the candy bar that I really WANT to buy is not something that I NEED to buy.  Then he proceeds to remind me of the number of burpees that I will have to do to burn off the calories from said candy bar (I HATE BURPEES!).

During my 21 Day Fix journey, I was constantly reminded that reaching your goals is 80% food and 20% exercise.  I didn't really know how that could be true since I had always assumed that if you workout, you will lose weight.  Man, was I wrong!  You could work out everyday, 365 days a year, but if you are still eating junk, you will not see any results.  The 21 Day Fix is a great program that helps you see what all you should be eating, and in correct portions.  It is broken down into calorie brackets, and the most food anyone should be eating is vegetables and lean proteins.  I have learned to tolerate the taste of fish because it is good for you.  I have increased my veggie intake as well, but part of that is because of my husband (he is a veggie lover!).  Just keep in mind that while exercise is very important to your health, the food you put in your body is even more important.  You have to fuel your body properly to have success.

January promotions include:

  • Insanity Max:30 Kickstart and Shakeology Challenge Pack- Very popular program at the moment! People are seeing great results! Hurry to purchase now while it is at an unbelievable price! Not recommended for beginners.
  • Insanity Max:30 Challenge Pack - Same as the above promotion, minus the Kickstart!
  • 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack - Perfect if you need help with portion control (like me), great for all fitness levels!
  • 3 Day Refresh Challenge Pack - Get a kick start on your fitness and healthy eating, while fast tracking your weight loss! Great if you have gotten off track and want a boost to help you get back to your goals!

On Monday, January 5th, I will be starting P90, as I have been doing the 21 Day Fix since early September.  If you are interested in trying any Beachbody programs, let me know!  Together we can reach your goals! If you order a challenge pack from me, you will get the program, a 30 month supply of Shakeology (chocolate is my absolute favorite!), free accountability, a free Beachbody coach (ME!), support, motivation, tips to help you with your healthy lifestyle, and delicious recipes!   If you are interested, fill out the form below and we can get started working towards your goals!

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