January 26, 2015

FREE Clean Eating Group Starting Soon!

If the winter has you down and your eating is all out of whack, join us to help you get some pep back in your step!  My team and I will be hosting a FREE Clean Eating group (a private Facebook group) starting February 2!  We will discuss what clean eating is all about, why it is so important, as well as provide you with health AND delicious recipes, meal planning tips and tricks, support, and accountability.

It's January and summer feels so far away. Maybe you made a New Year’s resolution to get healthier and fitter, but don’t know where to begin. Maybe you started off strong at the beginning of January, but now motivation has waned, as the cold and snow has set in. Summer is 5 months away, the winter blues have set it, and maybe you feel your healthy goals can wait a bit.

Why wait?  Why not tackle them now, and chase away those winter blues! If you need a little extra motivation, inspiration and excitation (or a lot!), join my free 7 day clean eating group. Many people come to me wanting assistance with clean eating basics, fitness and how to get started.  

It is hard to kick some of my previous bad habits like drinking pop, carb overload and pizza addiction!  It was hard to cut out the cream and sugar in my coffee and to find recipes that we both enjoyed.  So this was a whole new ball game for me.  Yes it did take me time to understand but I was determined to change my body more than I wanted to stay the same!

What are the requirements?

1.  You must make me your official Beachbody Coach by going to my site and creating a FREE profile.  This way I can send you recipes, meal plans and monthly motivation and tips to keep you on track with your lifestyle.
2.  You must participate for the next 7 days in our online closed facebook group each day!  
3.  Commit to checking in 1x per day, rating your day and charting your progress.
4.  Invite 1-2 friends to join!  Why not bring a few friends along for the ride! There is nothing better than having an accountability partner in the next 7 days!!!!  You are more likely to stick with it if you have someone by your side.

What do you get for joining? 

1.  You get a free 7 day meal plan.
2.  A grocery list
3. A place to check in daily, ask questions, get support and motivation.
4.  Daily tips that have worked for me.
5.  Strategies to handle emotional eating and temptations.
Are you ready to get started?  We will begin the group on Monday, February 2 so please reserve your spot today!

Joining is easy.  Leave a message below or email me at keila_mccracken@yahoo.com about your interest to join, and I will be happy to help you get back on track!

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