February 10, 2015

Progress: Weeks 3 & 4

I continue to feel really great with this program!  The moves are getting easier, and I can feel myself getting stronger.  I am down a total of 13 pounds in the first month (Phase A) and a total of 10 inches.  My husband continues to comment on how strong I am getting and is seeing more definition in my arms, legs, and back.  I love the confidence I am gaining in myself!

I am excited to start Phase B and see what results I can get from that.  For the next month, I will be switching things up and doing Sculpt 3 days a week and Sweat 2 days a week.  I want to get stronger and feel as though switching things up will help me reach my goal faster.

As a way to celebrate my birthday and new lifestyle, I signed up for my first ever 5k race! I am going to try and run as much as possible, so I will need to start training for that in conjunction with using P90. I am excited and nervous to do this, but it has been on my bucket list for a while, and I finally feel like I am able to complete it. 

If you would like to join me and start a fitness journey of your own, comment below, email me, for fill out the form below and I would love to help you!

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