February 11, 2015

Brides-To-Be Fitness Challenge

As some of you may know, I am a newlywed (I got married in October 2014) so I know the challenges brides go through leading up to their wedding, especially for those DIY brides.  You focus a lot of your time to make sure every detail will go as you plan, that you won't disappoint your guests, that everything gets done on time, trying to find time to exercise so you look great in your dress, etc. Trust me, I was the same way! Want to know a secret? Things will go wrong.  It happens.  You have to to roll with the punches.  Let's face it, people are going to judge things regardless of how perfect your wedding goes.  Working out and eating healthy should absolutely be part of your wedding planning, but is often forgotten. Let me help you find a workout program geared for your needs!

What I am proposing to all of you brides-to-be is to join me in my challenge group.  What is a challenge group, you may ask? A challenge group is a private Facebook group that I have every month for all of my challengers who purchase a challenge pack from me.  In these challenge groups, I am there to help motivate you, provide support and accountability, offer advice, provide healthy recipes, sample meal plans, and a place for my challengers (YOU!) with a place to share with me and the other challengers how your day went.  This is a FREE perk of getting a challenge pack.  Think of this as a place where people are going through a similar situation as yourself, and where you can vent if you need to, share secrets to planning your wedding, gaining great support, motivation and friends along the way.

Since this challenge group is different than any of the other ones I have done, I am limiting it to brides-to-be, and any members of the wedding party.  I can do a separate challenge group for grooms-to-be and male wedding party members if there is enough interest.  Maybe the brides want to challenge their grooms to a pre-wedding fitness challenge?!

When planning your wedding, sometimes working out gets pushed to the side, if you have time for it.  I will admit, I didn't seriously start working out until 4 months prior to my wedding.  I walked/jogged outside when the weather permitted over the summer, usually after work.  I only lost about 15 pounds over the course of 3 months of working out.  About a month before my wedding, I was contacted by my current Beachbody coach about trying the 21 Day Fix.  I knew my nutrition was preventing me from losing weight, so I figured, "What do I have to lose?" I gave it a shot, and in those 21 days, I lost an additional 13 pounds and 18 total inches.

When I first bought my wedding dress, I didn't need to make any alterations.  One August day, my sister-in-law was adamant that I try on my dress again.  Well, it needed major alterations.  Thankfully, a family member of mine is a seamstress and was able to make the necessary alterations, and my dress was a little snug.  I was fine with that because I was about to start the 21 Day Fix and was sure I would lose a few pounds doing it.  However, I did not know how much I would actually lose.  I picked up my wedding dress 2 days prior to my wedding and was happy with how it fit.

To make a long story short, don't wait until the last possible moment to start "Sweating for the Wedding."  Reserve your spot today in my challenge group!  Beachbody has the 21 Day Fix and the brand new 21 Day Fix Extreme challenge packs on sale all month (February 2015).  Are you ready to start "Sweating for the Wedding?"  I would love to help you reach your goals! Fill out the form below, email, or comment below to reserve your spot before it's gone!

Happy Wedding Planning!!

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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