Kayla and I have been best friends since we met in Kindergarten over 25 years ago. We have been there to support and encourage each other over the years, and I consider her a sister. although we now live about 8 hours apart, we are still there for one another.
Kayla has always been fairly active, being around animals her entire life. She is currently a vet tech, owns 2 gorgeous dogs and a horse, and is married to her high school sweetheart! Like a lot of people, sometimes workouts and healthy eating aren't always a top priority, but once Kayla started making them a priority again, she began seeing incredible results! Here is her story.

She has been rocking the challenge groups! Kayla not only posts daily about how she did on her food, workout, and Shakeology, but she also is a great inspiration, supporter and motivator to the other challengers. Being in the challenge groups really helps to keep you motivated to reach your goals. It is also a place you can go to vent if you are having a bad day, and get picked up by those who are going through the same struggles as you. I am so proud to not only have Kayla as a challenger, but also as a great friend.
I'm not going to post specific numbers because Kayla is not quite where she wants to be yet, but she will be soon. Since starting T25, she has lost a total of 25 pounds and 16.5 total inches! AMAZING! Kayla, you are killing it! Keep up the fantastic work!
If you want to have success like Kayla, join me in one of my challenge groups! I would love to work with you!
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