April 6, 2015

14 Day Clean Eating and Shakeology Group

Now that Easter has come and gone, did you find yourself indulging in a few too many sweets and treats like me? Now you are feeling bloated and sluggish and wondering what you can do to get yourself back on track. I can help! My team is hosting a 14 day clean eating support/accountability group where we will provide you will tools to help kick off your summer body! As a bonus, we are giving away TWO gift cards to random participants in the group. What do you have to lose?

As part of this requirement, we are requiring the purchase of a 30 supply of Shakeology.  Why, do you ask? Shakeology is packed full of dense daily nutrition that provide your body with the needed nutrients to function properly.  I have been drinking Shakeology daily for about 8 months now, and have noticed my energy has increased, my sweet cravings have significantly decreased, my skin looks better, and my body digests food better.  Shakeology also comes with a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied.  So you really have nothing to lose!  Well, except for a few pounds and some extra inches ;)

As part of this month's challenge group, we are giving away a $25 Amazon gift card.  We will do a random drawing of everyone's names in the group to pick the winner.  We are also giving away a second $25 Amazon gift card to everyone who refers a challenger to the group.  Doing things with friends makes it more fun, so come one, come all! If you refer 5 people, your name will be entered 5 times.  I will also personally give away $10 to every participant who purchases the 3 Day Refresh Challenge Pack.  We want this group to be fun, informative, and a great learning opportunity for all of you.  

We will kick off April 20th, 2015, but we only have a limited number of spots available! Leave a comment here, check out my Facebook page, or email me to reserve your spot before it is gone!

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